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Packaging and versioning

DiracX is a comprehensive Python package, composed of several interconnected submodules. It's designed to provide robust and versatile functionalities, primarily through these key components:

  1. User-Facing Components:

    • diracx: This is the primary interface for users, integrating both the Command Line Interface (CLI) and Python API.
    • diracx-routers: Serves as the server component, offering HTTPS endpoints.
    • diracx-tasks: Handles operations executed by DiracX servers, either periodically or upon request.
  2. Containerization:

    • Each component is available as a container image, packaging DiracX along with all necessary dependencies.

Python Modules

DiracX is structured into various modules, each serving a distinct purpose:

  • diracx-core: The foundational code base, utilized by all other DiracX modules.
  • diracx-db: Focuses on database functionalities.
  • diracx-routers: Implements a FastAPI application.
  • diracx-client: A client auto-generated from the OpenAPI specification in diracx-routers.
  • diracx-api: Provides higher-level operations building on diracx-client.
  • diracx-cli: The command line interface (dirac).
  • diracx: A metapackage offering diracx-client, diracx-api, and diracx-cli.

These modules are each implemented as a native Python namespace package.

The direct dependencies between the submodules are as follows:

┌──────┤ core ├─────────┐
│ └──────┘ │
┌──▼─┐ ┌────▼───┐
│ db ├─────┐ │ client │
└─┬──┘ │ └────┬───┘
┌────▼────┐ │ ┌──▼──┐
│ routers │ │ ┌────────┤ api │
└─────────┘ │ │ └──┬──┘
┌─▼───▼─┐ ┌──▼──┐
│ tasks │ │ cli │
└───────┘ └─────┘

Versioning Strategy

  • Currently, and as long as DIRAC and diracx coexist, we employ a versioning format of v0.<major>.<patch>.
  • We only support using the same version across all diracx-* packages.
  • The client and server versions can vary, but the client version is always communicated to the server. Incompatibly old client versions may lead to request rejections, prompting a client update. (TODO:

Container Images

DiracX utilizes a structured approach to containerization:

  1. Base Image:

    • All container images start from diracx/base.
  2. Specialized Base Images:

    • diracx/services-base
    • diracx/tasks-base
    • diracx/client-base
  3. Image Versioning and Building:

    • Images are built periodically (e.g., every Monday) and tagged as YYYY.MM.DD.P.
    • A DiracX release triggers the creation of new DiracXService, diracx/tasks, and diracx/client images, based on specific diracx/base tags.
    • This approach ensures stability in production environments.
    • For testing purposes, the latest base images are used, with dependencies installed via pip install.

See this diagram for an example of how this looks in practice:

┌─────┤ diracx/base:YYYY.MM.DD.P ├─────┐
│ └──────────────────────────┘ │
│ │
┌────────────────▼──────────────────┐ ┌────────────────▼───────────────┐
│ diracx/services-base:YYYY.MM.DD.P │ │ diracx/tasks-base:YYYY.MM.DD.P │
└────────────────┬──────────────────┘ └────────────────┬───────────────┘
│ │
┌───────────▼────────────┐ ┌──────────▼──────────┐
│ diracx/services:v0.X.Y │ │ diracx/tasks:v0.X.Y │
└────────────────────────┘ └─────────────────────┘


  • There is a noted duplication between setup.cfg and environment.yaml.
  • The diracx/base image is built from a Dockerfile with environment.yml, primarily defining the Python version and dirac_environment.yaml containing the DIRAC specific dependencies. The latter is there as a "temporary" thing.
  • The diracx/services-base and diracx/tasks-base images extend diracx/base with additional Dockerfiles and environment.yml, tailored to their specific needs.
  • The diracx/services and diracx/tasks images are further built upon their respective base images, adding necessary diracx packages through pip install --no-dependencies.


TODO: document the entry point


  • Extensions will extend one or more of diracx, diracx-routers, diracx-tasks images (e.g. mydiracx, mydiracx-routers, mydiracx-tasks).
  • Extensions provide a corresponding container image based on a specific release of the corresponding DiracX image.